Just Save One


I make no apologies for my love of superhero movies, all of them. The Marvel Cinematic Universe? Oh, I am a frequent flyer. People have asked me over the years just what my fascination is with these movies.

I love watching, even in a fictional sense, what people do when they have the capacity to change (or, in some cases, save) the world. How motivating and empowering—and daunting as well.

However, you don’t need to go to the movies to see how that works, do you? If we’ve learned anything from countless stories near and far, it’s that one person with modest means, no road map, and just a passion or a keen awareness of a need can positively impact the lives of many.

For years I have been honored to have individuals, from budding entrepreneurs to established business leaders, ask me how to increase their influence, expand their networks, and get that tingling “I am so inspired” feeling back in their professional lives.

Over the last 10 years or so, countless experts have told us to search for our passion and find a cause that sparks it. Well, that is great, but not everyone is in tune with what their passions are. In fact many people aren’t.

Try this: Solve a problem. Find one, solve one. Whether it is simple or complex, affects many or just one.

While I find it is best not to go in with any expectations for yourself, working on this project will open more doors. You will interact with a subset of a community you may have little exposure to. You will have to get resourceful and think outside your normal tool kit. It will inspire you to think differently, and that is a great gift.

Not sure where to start? Here are just a few tips.

Lean on a friend

-       Go to your Facebook friends, ask for recommendations on local charities or even individuals who need help. Once you get a list, and you will, be sure to share that information with your networks. You can’t do it all, but not everyone will put themselves out there to ask, so you are empowering others to lend a hand.

Think small, Part I

-       Many large charities have local chapters that have a sliver of the resources the national chapter does. Pick a cause near and dear and see how they are represented in your town. It’s okay to dip a toe in first before putting yourself out there! Start by joining their mailing list, following their socials, and/or attending one of their upcoming events.

Think small, Part II

-       Look uber local and uber small. The organizations/charities you hear about all the time are being heard all the time because they have more resources, and a bigger network, than the others. Dig deeper and find some small ones that can’t afford ads, billboards, to host large events, etc.

Open your eyes

-       Keep your eyes open during your day-to-day routine. Do you see someone who could use some help? I’m not suggesting you go up and ask them directly if they need a hand up. Just start a dialogue, maybe start with a smile, then a hello. I have done this, and it changed my life. I had the privilege of finding out a woman I knew as our overnight office cleaner was living in her car with her child, and she allowed me to help.

A scene from the 2017 movie Justice League comes to mind. Flash is apprehensive about going into his first battle and turns to Bruce Wayne/Batman. He says something along the lines of I don’t think I can do this; you guys seem really ready and prepared, but I’ve never done this before.

Bruce Wayne, having little time for a pep talk as the battle draws near, says, “Save one.” A perplexed Flash, who can see there are many, many more to save, says, “Save just one, then what?” Batman responds, “Save one and then you’ll know what to do.”

Go into your community, solve a problem, even a small one. Trust me, it’s a big one to someone else.

You just might be surprised by what happens next.


Beyond the Pivot: Let the Virtual Love Fest Begin